
Our Smart city projects

Free Wi-Fi

Free wifi connectivity is available to Pilsen residents and tourists. Connection is possible in relaxation zones, offices or sports venues.

Using Drones to Inspect Bridges

We can use drones in many different ways. For example, a bridge inspection using drones is faster, more accurate, cheaper and clearly safer.

WIFI at FC Viktoria Pilsen Stadium

We have provided the football stadium in Štruncové sady with a free high-speed WIFI network.

Child safety – Measures in Primary Schools

We have improved the system for collecting children from school premises - thanks to a smart card reader linked to their name and a special app, the whole process is safer and more transparent.

Using Drones for the Integrated Rescue System

We use drones to support firefighters, police and rescue workers - we are the first in the Czech Republic to be part of the Integrated Rescue System.


Pilsen is the first city in the Czech Republic becoming a member of the world-famous Eduroam network.