Website of the City of Pilsen

The website of the City of Pilsen is one of the most important communication channels between citizens and the city. The ability to inform, to provide information, to help solve life situations – these are the key features of the website, which we innovated with the help of the Branding & Website agency Benes & Michl.

Aims of the project:

To provide the citizens of the city with more comprehensible and intuitive information – the information they need to live in Pilsen, to communicate with the authorities, to deal with life situations.

Results of the project:

Redesign of the website (width of the website, graphic elements, etc.).

On the home page, the most common solutions to life situations (dealing with the office) were highlighted.

New areas have been added to the main navigation bar that were previously ” hidden ” in the content, such as

  • Transport,
  • Education,
  • Social services,
  • Business,
  • Housing.

A content audit has been performed and irrelevant (outdated) information has been removed.

The project will continue with the so-called Electronic Citizen’s Portal, where in the first stage we will carry out a fundamental restructuring of the so-called life situations (a fundamentally simplified structure, clarity for citizens who do not know official terms, interconnection with interactive forms, upgrading the system of making an appointment at the office with annotations, so that people get a number at the counter, can leave the office building, for example, to go to a café, and receive a notification on their mobile phone just before their turn).

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