“Our Companies” – How to Choose Your Next School

In cooperation with the non-profit organisation nvias, we have designed a project day where primary school students can draw information that is important for choosing a course of study, build a robot and get an overview of how a successful company works.

Aims of the project:

The aim of the “Naše firmy” (Our Companies) game is to provide children in final grades 8 and 9 of a primary school with information that will help them and their parents make decisions about choosing the next level of education. In our case, we focus on guiding children from primary schools to technical secondary schools.

Results of the project:

The game presents key information in an attractive and, above all, understandable way. As part of a comprehensive support in the choice of the next school, the game is followed by the Education Map. It provides guidance on the availability of technical secondary schools, and shows the continuity with university education (technical faculties of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen). All of this is done by comprehensible questions designed to find out what students like.

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