Electronic Citizen’s Portal

The Electronic Citizen’s Portal makes solution of so-called life situations of entrepreneurs and almost two hundred in Pilsen citizens easier.

The home page of the portal provides quick access to the most frequently searched situations, which have long included various “how tos” (obtaining a driving licence, an identity) card and applying for registration of a vehicle in the road traffic register. In addition, the home page contains a category index of life situations, such as documents, transport, family, housing, social and environment. The category pages are further subdivided into subject areas. For example, under Family there are Birth, Death, Change of Name, Registration Documents, Marriage, Registered Partnership and Population Registration. The areas already contain specific life situations where the user can find information on how to proceed and what specific documents and other papers are required. The user can find the relevant forms in the Downloadable Forms box or under the Forms tab in the top bar of the portal.

Aims of the project:

To make it easier for citizens to deal with office matters.


Results of the project:

Electronic Citizen’s Portal is a tool that offers citizens or entrepreneurs clearly organized information for solving life situations.

It allows online filing without the need to visit the office.

It makes it possible to control some agendas (e.g. municipal waste, dog fees, accommodation, use of public spaces, etc.).

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