Silent Line

The city has a new service for people who are deaf or hard of hearing to help with communication in the office.

Aims of the project:

The hearing-impaired people will be able to deal with the things in the office in a dignified way.

Results of the project:

A service has been launched to ensure smooth communication for the hearing impaired in the office. Tablets with online interpreters have been installed at the counters in the various office buildings, allowing council staff and hearing-impaired citizens to communicate easily.

It is very easy to book an appointment for an official meeting with the help of an online interpreter. The email contact details of the person in charge are published on the websites of each government department. Simply send a message to the person requesting the appointment, and the official will check the availability of online interpreting for that day and time and send a confirmation of the appointment or arrange an alternative date with the client. The actual communication at the counter then takes place via a tablet and a video call with the online interpreter.

Online interpreting is provided by the Silent Line project, an online communication centre for the hearing impaired. The service is completely free to those who are interested.

More information about the project can be found on the website A link to the service is also be placed on the city’s official website


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