Child safety – Measures in Primary Schools

In recent years, there has been a significant change in the way school safety is viewed. The times we live in and the incidents that are unfortunately on the increase require us to be vigilant and make every effort to reduce risks. The improved school pick-up system is another step towards a greater security for parents, school managers, and teachers.

Aims of the project:

To improve safety in the pick-up system in primary schools.

Results of the project:

A new system for collecting children from school premises has been introduced, consisting of a smart card reader with a monitor located outside the entrance to the building and an application that displays the necessary data. Anyone wishing to pick-up a child, whether a parent, grandparent or sibling, is given a smart card linked to a name. When it is placed at the entrance to the building, it shows the person where the child is, e.g. in which classroom, on the school grounds, in the cafeteria, and so on. At the same time, the teachers in after-school day care centres in charge of the children receive a notification on their mobile phones about who has arrived for whom. Depending on the age, the teachers then sees the children to the entrance and hand them over to their parents or send them home.

The system is already in use at the 26th primary school in Pilsen. According to its manager, Eva Švolbová, it has clearly proved its worth. “I think it is excellent from several points of view. Parents have an overview of their child’s whereabouts – for example, in the case of the cafeteria, where the pupils go outside the school building, after the chip is attached and the cafeteria is shown as the child’s place of residence, they know that it will take a while for the child to arrive, so they can wait in peace, they do not have to chase after the child and the staff do not have to do so either. On the other hand, once the chip is fitted, the after-school teacher knows immediately who is waiting at the door and who they are picking up, which is a huge help and practical tool in terms of keeping track of children, attendance and safety in general.

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