Drone for Fire and Rescue Service

Our colleagues from Drones SIT were the first in the Czech Republic to become part of the Integrated Rescue System. Projects are developed in cooperation with the fire brigade, police and emergency services. Drones are involved in interventions and help Integrated Rescue System services to work more efficiently.

Together with the Research and Innovation Centre for Electrical Engineering (RICE) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the Pilsen Fire and Rescue Service, we have completed the development of a drone prototype equipped with special sensors. The technology is dispersed (dropped in a controlled manner) by a drone at the site of a crisis event and is able to identify the hazardous substance, its concentration, direction of spread, etc. in real time. This information is immediately available to the commander and can be acted upon.

Aims of the project:

  • To create a device that autonomously/automatically deploys sensors around a crisis event (fire, chemical spill, explosion, etc.). The sensors are capable to transmit the measured values (type of chemical, values, how it spreads, …) in real time to an application that visualises the results for the commander of the intervention. This gives him or her key information on “what he or she is dealing with” and enables him or her to manage the intervention effectively.

Results of the project:

  • A prototype was developed and tested in real conditions with a TRL6.
  • Application scenarios are tested.
  • The solution is capable of real deployment at this level.
  • Development continues to minimise the technology (sensor units) to allow the drone to carry twice the number of sensors.


Video CZ

Video EN

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