Satellite analysis of Pilsen Air II.

In 2018, we started a collaboration with the successful start-up World from Space on the analysis of satellite imagery. The first project focused on the city’s temperature climate – a web-based interpretation of the data over time can be found here. This was followed by a second project on air quality.


Air quality is GOOD

In terms of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations, Pilsen is among the average areas in the Czech Republic, which is a relatively good result, given the industrial nature of the city.

The biggest problem is NO2

The main pollutant monitored from space in Pilsen is nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Within the region and the Czech Republic as a whole, Pilsen is one of the areas most at risk of higher NO2 concentrations. The main sources are likely to be car traffic and coal burning in heating plants and local furnaces. The most exposed area is the city centre and the area around the roads leading to the D5 motorway.

satellite picture:

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