Project S4AllCities – HORIZON 2020

Aims of the project:

In cities, soft targets are public spaces such as shopping centres, meeting places, sports venues, transport infrastructure, i.e. potential, numerous targets located within an urban agglomeration and exposed to “low-cost” attacks that have a high impact on citizens.

The continued evolution of the smart city, especially with the introduction of new technologies, brings increased operational efficiency, but also vulnerability to new threats and soft target attacks.

The S4ALLCities project aims to transform European cities to be better protected, prepared and resilient to physical and cyber-attacks.

Aims of the project:

To bring existing surveillance systems up to date. Implement additional low-cost surveillance technologies and solutions that enhance the Smart City’s preparedness and defensibility in cyber and physical space.

  • To design and develop an open information sharing and management platform to provide relevant situational information and decision support for incident management.
  • To design and develop intelligent communication architecture to ensure the interconnection and integration of city subsystems with systems supporting emergency management.
  • To influence the collaboration of all stakeholders in crisis/security management, from urban planners to infrastructure operators, private service providers, security experts, and IT specialists.
  • To validate and demonstrate the effectiveness of the integrated S4ALLCities SOS in relevant environments by real public authorities/end users in three European Smart Cities (Trikala, Bilbao, Pilsen), which at the end of the project achieved TRL-7 level for the whole S4ALLCities platform.


Results of the project:

SITMP specialists are currently working on the project. Partial deliverables include:

  • Taking responsibility for the city’s CCTV system in the area of image data mining (using AI to detect undesirable critical conditions and alert dispatchers in real time).
  • Extraction of camera footage in the area of traffic/mobility (statistical data on the number of vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians which is used to adjust the data model of Pilsen traffic, planning, etc.).
  • Implementation of gunshot detectors and panic cries (in cooperation with the company Jalud Embedded from Pilsen, sensors will be used for testing in the area of Cukrovarska and Americká streets). – See more in the report of ČT.
  • Testing of neural networks for use in urban environments (Israeli Briefcam, Czech Certicon, DataFromSky, GoodVision, the latter two solving data mining for traffic).
  • Troubleshooting and deployment of cameras with video transmission over mobile networks (4G/5G)
  • Sharing the experience of our drone operators in the use of drones and other technologies in the IRS – more here.
  • Preparation of a scenario for Pilsen (the Pilsen pilot scenario focuses on a crisis situation involving a mass gathering of people in a single area, including the evacuation of 15,000 people from the football stadium and its surroundings. The Viktoria Pilsen football stadium is owned by the city of Pilsen and can accommodate 11,700 visitors. In reality, around 15,000 people can be concentrated in the stadium and nearby public spaces during major football matches. There are pedestrian areas and a park, the main railway station and bus station, public transport stops (bus, tram, trolley bus), a two-lane road with transit traffic in each direction and the historic city centre. The scenario focuses on the management of a crisis situation in the stadium (either a terrorist attack or a leak of toxic ammonia gas from the neighbouring Pilsner Urquell brewery).
  • The project was presented at We Innovate Pilsen 2021.

Official website S4AllCities


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